Thursday, July 27, 2006

Oh Olivia

She looks sweet and innocent here doesn't she? GOD GIVE ME STRENGTH. She is having 6 cavities filled tomorrow. The dentist is squeezing her in because one of her teeth is so bad she crys everytime she eats and drinks. The problem is....she needs to be sedated. If anyone knows Via....she cannot sit still for anything. 6 CAVITIES! AHHHHH! So, instead of next weeks appointment, she is going in tomorrow. Which means I had to find a pharmacy that had the medication in stock. So off to CVS we went. She was horrible. She almost took out Makenna in the cart. Luckly there was a nice man standing behind me...he saved Makenna. She was running around the store acting like a spaz. I still had Target to get to and dreaded it. Anyways, we made it home alive. I am so tired! God, I LOVE HER, but sometimes she just sucks the life right out of me. Luckly the medication I started this week has made me tired. I didn't have the energy to loose it in the middle of the store.
Right now Olivia is in "quiet time", Makenna is napping, and Erika is watching t.v. I think I'm going to take a power nap. Posted by Picasa

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