Thursday, July 20, 2006


Last night we had Dave, Cathie and their kids over for hamburgers and hot dogs. It was great to have adult conversation in the middle of the week. I woke up in a great mood. I think it helped break up my week. I love hanging out with Cathie. We always have great conversation and I am never afraid to say what is on my mind. She is such an easy person to just be with.
The babies are on their second nap today. I hope they sleep for more than 30 minutes. Marina is really crabby today. She is teething. One finally broke through. I think she's going to be like Makenna - one right after the other.
Erika, Olivia, and I tackled the toy room this morning. WHAT A MESS. Erika is great at organizing and picking up. Olivia is a procrastinator, she just walks around whining about not wanting to clean, she reminds me of someone - ME. I was the same exact way. At this moment I realize why I pissed my mom off so badly when it came to cleaning my room. Anyways it is done and it looks FANTASTIC! It should stay that way for at least a couple of hours. It is a rainy yukky day and they will be in the house the majority of the day.


Anonymous said...

You are too kind Dana. Take some credit, you make it easy for people to want to be around you! You're so kind, welcoming and just fun to be around. Who wouldn't want to hang with you! I love you girl!


~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

Thank you! LOVE YA TOO!