Thursday, July 27, 2006

Makenna's on the move

Makenna made it up 3 stairs tonight, in a matter of 10 seconds. I'm in big trouble considering I have a tri-level house. There are stairs everywhere. She was so proud of herself. "LOOK AT ME MOMMA". She thought it was the greatest thing. I, of coarse, was busy having a heart attack....trying to get to her before she fell. Anyone have any baby gates I can borrow? Posted by Picasa


Will said...

DANA, you have a blog! That is so cool! Welcome to the blogosphere. Eli was just saying last night how he wanted to start a blog. You can show him the way! I hope that we can get together for dinner soon, otherwise Monaca and I will be at Bahama Bob's on the 12th!

~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

Thanks Will! I was nervous about it, everyday I have more fun with it! We will have to get together soon!