Sunday, August 27, 2006


Unleavened is a christian band that has a CD called "Out of a Barn". My favorite song is "My Great Reward". This song helped me a lot today. I needed it today more that ever. I've listened to it about 10 times, singing louder and louder every time. Crying at some moments. Listening to it gave me a peace that I was desperately needing!
Great CD! You can go to their website and listen for yourself.
Some of the people in this band play at Crossroads, which is the church I go to. Come and visit!

My Great Reward

Jesus, it's for you I'm living
I pray that you will keep forgiving me
and when I stumble break my fall.
I need you with me everyday
and fill me with your love, I pray
and open up my eyes so I can see

That you are my lord
You are my great reward
You are my peace
The only one I adore
You are my King
You are my everything
You are my hope
You are my song to sing, Jesus

Tell me secrets by you Spirit
Wash my heart so I can hear it
Tell me of the Kingdom that's in me
Draw me Closer, make me yours
I'll give you all me praise, Oh Lord
and shout out from the rooftop all you say


I raise my hands in worship to you, Lord (repeat)


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