Thursday, August 17, 2006

The drive

OK - driving downtown with my sister was an experience. She is the most aggressive driver I have ever met! Maybe it's the size of her truck or she's just that aggressive.
We were stuck in traffic to get off the lodge for 40 minutes to go to the concert. When we were about to get off the expressway, there are always the drivers that don't wait in traffic and cut in and get right off. Diane was pissed! She didn't let anyone in in front of her. She would look right at them and scream NOOOOOO!!!! She did everything but give them "the bird" I was scared we were going to get our &$% kicked! She didn't even let this hummer in that tried like hell to squeeze in. GO DIANE! Didn't think you had that in ya, but I guess you learn something everyday! Too funny! I probably would have just let them in and waved. I'm not into confrontation. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Diane was talking to me! Asking for directions!