Thursday, December 14, 2006

The reason why Eli had a vasectomy....

I was reading the girls a bedtime story tonight and Eli decided to join in:

Me: "Here kitty kitty. Would you like to sit on my lap?"

Eli: (From in the other room mind you......) "YEAH....NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT." Then he proceeds to burst out in laughter.

Erika: "What is so funny? Why is Daddy laughing so hard."

Me: "Oh Erika.....Daddy is just being Daddy. He just cracks himself up" (How do you answer to that)

What gets me is....the selective hearing that men have. Also the ability to make everything out to be a sexual thing. God love men!!! GIGGLE


Sooze said...

That cracked me up. Something VERY similiar would have been coming from Kevin's mouth.


Jeff said...

It's a gift we men have. It's best if you just roll with it cause we can't control it.