Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy Birthday ERIKA JILLIAN

WOW! I don't know if it's harder to believe that Erika is 7, or that Eli and I have a 7 year old! It just seems like yesterday that Eli and I were driving home from Oakwood Hospital and I started sobbing like a baby, turned to Eli and said, "I can't believe those people let me take this baby home....I have no idea what to do." Now look at me, 7 years later and everyday with Erika, I still don't know what I am doing. It's a great ride though! She was sent to me from heaven! She entered the world at 6:00 am, weighing 6 lbs 1 oz, 19 3/4 inches long. The first night home, she slept through the night (of coarse not day 2 - 4 months). She also didn't walk until she was 15 months. She has never been in a hurry (except to be born....3 weeks early on the dot). When Erika is ready, she'll let you know. She is probably the most laid back of the 3, she is Eli's daughter.
She is stubborn, yet she does tend to go with the flow and have a great time doing it. She is definitely the older child, and boy she loves her Daddy and her little sisters. She loves pretty much everybody and she is the first in line to give you hug and a kiss and tell you how much she loves you! She is our "social butterfly" and does great in social situations. She will talk to pretty much anyone. Erika know's if someone's feelings are hurt or if someone wronged another person and usually tries to help. She if very aware of her surroundings.
She has a special love for nature and animals, mostly wild animals. Almost every library book she has ever taken out has to do with some kind of animal or bird. She is not afraid of quiet time alone with a great book or some sort of journal. She is not afraid to be alone. She is not afraid of what she wants and she will fight for it. I envy her sometimes.
Erika makes me proud. Proud of what a beautiful person she has already become. She has a beautiful soul! She is one of the greatest things Eli and I ever could have done together. Our little Erika! I am blessed to have her in my life. There are some times I feel as if I don't deserve her. There are many times I feel that she is the grown up and I am the child. She puts me in perspective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Erika! You are truly a special girl, sounds like you are very loved. Enjoy you day!
