Sunday, October 29, 2006

Baby Alive

Papa Schultz sent Olivia Baby Alive for her birthday. She has been waiting such a long time for her. She loves her. This doll eats, drinks, poops, and pees. YES she POOPS!!! And it it nasty. It is all slimy! The diapers don't work that well either. While I was "babysitting her" for Olivia, her diaper leaked all over my lap. If Olivia thinks that changing diapers is suppose to be a fun thing, I am not going to argue. More power to her! She can start changing Makenna. Olivia named her Genevieve, after one of the girls in the 12 dancing princessesPosted by Picasa


Sooze said...

WOW!! That is the CREEPIEST doll I have ever seen!! (and trust me, I have seen alot of baby doll's)

Anonymous said...

Wow, did you ever think that poop would be exciting? And why does the baby have GIGANTIC eyes? Does it have a secret built in nanny-cam?