Friday, September 22, 2006

New loetards

Today Olivia had gymnastics. Driving on the way there, Olivia says"mom, there's a big hole in my butt" (she meant in her leotard). I told her to get her finger out of it because she would make the hole bigger. After gymnastics I decided she can't be walking around with a hole in her butt, especially since she refuses to wear underwear under her leotard. So we retired the 2 year old leotard and she got a new shiny sparkly one. I also got one for Erika too because they were sharing the old one. She loves it!
Cute song you have to ask Olivia to sing for you - "5 little monkeys swinging in a tree". I was laughing so hard I almost fell off the couch!!!! Way too cute. She has the greatest expressions!!!
Also, notice Olivia's hair is shorter....she decided to cut it herself (in Nana's care, not mine). Her reason....."Miss Cathie said that your hair grows faster if you cut it". She still is beautiful. Her hair is just a little uneven.....I blended it the best I could.
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Unknown said...

What a coincidence. I have a hole in my butt too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe how much longer Olivia's hair looks after cutting it! LOL