Monday, September 18, 2006

The weekend

Friday was Makenna's official 1st birthday. I tried my hardest to keep my spirits up for Makenna, even though we had just heard some bad new about Auntie Chris. We had a little party at my Mom and Dads for her. It was nice. We enjoyed each others company.
Saturday, I worked and then went to pick up my girls from my Moms and hung out with her all day, we talked about Auntie Chris and about life. I haven't done that with my mom in a long time.
Sunday, the girls and I went to church. After church Maddie and Emily came over to play....then Ryan and Lauren came over too. The kids had a great time together....there was no fighting.....poor Ryan was the only boy with 6 girls. That evening, Cathie was kind enough to take my girls...she fed them, took them for a long walk, and bathed them. THANK YOU are such a great friend!
Eli and I went to the viewing for my Auntie Chris. It was hard for me. I don't know how to deal with frightens me. I'm happy I was able to talk to Keith and Kevin for a while. It's hard, just because I don't really know what to say. There really isn't anything you can say to help them or make them feel better. I just wanted to hug them, and when I heart hurt for them and I just wanted to hug them forever and just cry. I just wish I could take the pain away for them....I know it's not my job. I just feel so bad.
I am spent.....I am drained emotionally and physically. For the past 3 weeks, Eli has been gone a lot, busy with work, golf, concerts, fantasy football drafts, tigers games, etc. I am feeling alone and sad. It's not Eli's fault...I am so glad that he is having fun and getting out of the house and spending time with friends, he deserves it. I just think I am jealous right now and I feel like a single mom.
This morning was not good. Olivia's bus tag was missing and Erika lied to me about it....trying to find the tag, deal with Erika lying to my face, and trying not to loose it at the same time was hard. All of sudden, I heard the bus.....of coarse it was early, because nothing could be easy for me this morning. So I had to get Makenna, Marina, Erika and Olivia in the to school. I finally realize around 9:45 that I forgot to feed Makenna this morning. HELLO!
Tonight is another busy night. I am trying to decide what to I take Erika to gymnastics with Olivia and Makenna, or do I go to the rosary service with the kids. It's a toss up. I don't know if I have the strength for either one. Eli will be at a concert with friends.
I guess I feel like I could have break down....but I just don't have the time. It's funny that moms don't have options....they have obligations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dana, I would stay home tonight, no gymnastics, no rosary service, put the girls to bed early and have a few hours to yourself. It's amazing how just a couple hours of quiet can help. I'll be thinking of you!
