Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Makenna 1 year doctor appointment

She's growing up. Her height is 30 inches (80%) - Her weight is 21 lbs# (40%) - Her head is 43.6cm (15%).
Dr. Khunger is starting her on enulose syrup for her pooping problems. If anyones been around Makenna when she has to poop it's not fun. She hates pooping and tries her hardest to hold it in. She screams like someone is murdering her. I also have to lower her dairy intake....not looking forward to that. She loves cheese and yogurt and milk. Posted by Picasa


Sooze said...

WOW! I didn't realize that God made babies with small heads. All of my kids are in the 90th% for their heads. Thats amazing!

Anonymous said...

I see she got her own cell phone for her 1st birthday! Very cute.