Thursday, January 11, 2007

And the Saga continues....

Tuesday, Makenna had to go back to the orthopedic specialist. Her radius had shifted again, worse than before they set it the first time. with the old cast and on with a new. I chose a different color cast this time, purple, maybe it will change our luck....along with a ton of prayer! This is becoming exhausting, and I am becoming pretty emotional about it. It is making me feel that I am not as strong as I thought I was. I feel helpless to her. I just wish I could explain everything to her.
As if she doesn't feel crappy enough....yesterday she woke up with 103 temperature. She has pink eye and an upper respiratory infection. She looks so miserable, she won't eat, she hates her medicine, I can't get the ointment in her eyes.....has anyone been able to put ointment in a 16 month year old eyes before? Take it from me, it is not fun! The funny part is, I can medicate a nasty cat that is hissing, biting, spitting at me, but I can't medicate my own daughter!
I am tired. I am sad. I am so many things right now....

I just keep repeating over and over......"If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it"
Sounds so simple doesn't it?

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