Friday, November 17, 2006


Rianne is one of my oldest and dearest friends. We have know each other for 14 years. She is a awesome person. As if her life isn't hard enough right now, she has been having some health issues. On Monday, while she was at work, she went blind and her arm went numb. She was at the hospital for the day had some tests and was discharged that evening when her sight had returned. She had a follow up with her regular doctor. Because of that incident and past medical history since May, her doctor recommended her to have a MRI. She will be having this done and will be seeing the neurologist following the procedure on December 5th. Her doctor said the incedent could be early signs/symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis). She is a beautiful, single mother of 2, who is strong, patient, kind and all the wonderful things a woman can be. Please help me pray for her, for her strength the next few weeks. This has to be very difficult for this to weighing on her mind, what a horrible unanswered question to just sit with. She just doesn't deserve this horrible disease. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dana, How scary it must be, being a single mom and being sick.
She will be in my prayers.
