Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Sister, My Friend

My sister left this comment for me. It really means a lot to me. She knows me just about as well as I know myself. She is such a great friend and sister to me. I don't know what I would do without her. I have been truly blessed by God to be given such a great "older and wiser" sister. Thank you Diane for always being there for me.

Diane's Comment:

First of all, you need to take a mistake & know that it was not only a mistake, but also a life learning experience. Nobody is perfect & makes the right decision all the time. We do what we think is right & if things do not work out the way we wished, we learn from it & do it differently the next time. Nobody can be happy in life if they are not doing what they were intended to do. Some people know right away what that is & for others it takes years. I still can't say without a doubt that Social Work is my destiny. If it isn't, I will take what I learned & try something else.

For as long as I can remeber you wanted to be a nurse but you were afraid you couldn't handle the studies. You settled for something else. At the time you felt that it was the right decision for you, but through the years you have seen that nursing is your real passion. You should NEVER be sorry for what you want to do. This your life, nobody elses. You can't be truely helpful to others, including your husband & children, if you do not take care of yourself first. You need to be happy to express happiness to others. Someone said to me today that you do not get more from God until you are thankful for what you have already gotten. Be thankful for all your experiences in life, good or bad, & know that they were all learning experiences to prepare you for the next step in your life.

There is a country song that I love & one of lines is, Life is about changes, nothing ever stays the same. No matter how much we all wish we had done something differently or wish we could go back & change something. "Everything happens for a reason" Everything makes us stronger for the next step in our lives. You need a change & you are ready for it! Continue to be strong & know that I am always here for you! You deserve the best that life has to offer, don't ever forget that & don't make any more excuses to stop from achieving YOUR dreams. They are your dreams & you deserve them. Did I say that already? You ARE a strong person & you will get through this point in your life. We all, even me, need to stop worrying about the past or the future & cherish & be thankful for what we have in the present. I am supposed to say three things I am thankful for for the next week, so I will do it here. I am thankful for my husband, my sister, & my beautiful children.
Now you try.

1 comment:

Eli said...

WOW diane, that was the coolest thing i've ever heard. You are a great person, sister, aunty, and friend.