Thursday, November 02, 2006

BEFORE (picture taken with Olivia's new camera)


Erika and Olivia's new but very used desk

Jeff was given a desk from a guy at work. He didn't need it and was kind enough to think of Eli and I. THANK YOU JEFF!!! I Love my new but slightly used desk! It is great. I have more desktop space and the best part is the matching leather chair. If you notice the chair we use to sit in, it's a child desk chair, it use to be mine when I was a little girl. Whenever anyone would sit in it, it would make a horrible creaking noise. Eli and I were waiting until it just fell apart. So now I can be comfortable! YIPPY!
Thank you Jeff, for thinking of us. Thank you Eli for setting it all up last night, I know you were tired!!!!
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Diane said...

Wow, how pretty, where did the hamsters go?
PS It was my idea to give you the desk, Jeff agreed.

~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

I let the hampster go outside. They wanted their freedom. They should be able to survive the winter.

Thank you Diane for thinking of us. Our old set up was probably pretty rough on you on Tuesdays huh? You felt my pain!!