Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It was a freakin beautiful day today!

Well my semester is in full swing as of today. I started both my classes....Algebra and Intro to Psychology. My procedure on Monday went pretty good and today is the first day I didn't have to take any pain medication and I'm feeling a little "hung over".
The great part about today was being outside! I sat outside with Ryan from about 12:30 until 4:30. It was BEAUTIFUL, or should I say NIIIIIIIICE! I love it when it is sunny and 70! Not too hot and a great breeze. I tried to get some reading done but Ryan wanted my full attention, we played tee-ball, basketball, soccer etc etc. It was fun to hang with him. The girls were in their own little world and Ryan actually wanted to hang with his AUNTIE. Pretty cool!
The next 8 weeks are going to be pretty rough on Eli and I won't see each other Monday through Thursday which mean we are flying solo in the parent department with the kids Monday through Thursday......3 - 1 isn't always a good combination. So I am savoring my good mood and hoping it get me through it. I will be looking forward to the weekend by Wednesday.
I can't believe the girls are going to be out of school after this week. This year flew by! I'll have a 3 of them biting at my ankles by Monday.
Olivia is having her tonsils and adenoids out on Friday. If you could keep her in your prayers, I would appreciate it. She seems pretty scared about the surgery. Tomorrow I'm going to take her to the store and let her pick out all the ice cream and popsicles she wants.

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