Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fourth of July

The weekend was beautiful. The weather was perfect!

After work on  Saturday Eli, the girls and I headed out to mom and dads boat. We went for a boat ride and went to Proberts cottage for a barbeque. Then went to the see some fireworks on the water.  We didn't get home till 3:00am that night.  It's hard to maneuver a boat in the pitch dark with an hour boat ride back to the marina. 

Sunday we went to Brad and Joanns cottage. The kids had a blast! We were there all day and played Texas Hold'em in the evening. 

Monday Kimmy and Bobby came with us back to my parents boat. We hung out on the water all day and had a barbeque at the marina in the evening. Our evening finished with rain on the way drive home.

The girls stayed with my mom and dad because I had to work the next day. Eli picked them up on the way home from work at the boat. I really don't know what exactly was said between the two of them, but I'm getting two different sides of the story. All I know, either way you look at it, somehow, I'm the bad guy! Go figure.  My mom wanted to keep the girls, she said Eli made her feel horrible and now I am to blame. I just love it!

I know my mother loves Erika and Olivia.  I just cannot call her and have a "normal" mother/daughter conversation with her. Then she says I only call her when I need her to babysit.  Such bullshit! I can't call the woman! She never wants to talk to me. Somehow I feel like a horrible person when I get off the phone. She takes everything I've ever done wrong in my life and loves to rub it in my face. It's like she kept track of every wrong and forgot about anything wonderful that I was ever proud of. Have I not done anything to make her proud?! To make her feel like 'WOW, I have a great daughter.'  I guess I'm just one big huge disappointment. I feel I will never make her happy.

Wished the end of the weekend was as great as the beginning....

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