Friday, July 08, 2005

3rd Trimester

I am now a little over 27 weeks pregnant now. I have officially entered the third trimester! YEAH It's almost over! There are some days that I am kind of sad because this is probably the last time I will ever be pregnant. I'll never have the feeling of the baby moving again, shopping for maternity clothes, getting the room ready, getting a little extra loving attention from Eli. Even though I hate being pregnant, I will miss those things terribly.

My emotions are a little crazy lately. I get upset about almost everything. The girls are irritating me for no reason. I'm snappy. I just want to get out the boxing gloves and beat the shit out of someone.

I went to a farewell dinner for Sherry Haase on Wednesday. It was sad. I will miss her! I think I'm also afraid that are small group will never be the same again. Sherry was kind of the one that tied us all together. She kept the small group going. The meetings we had together have helping me with finding myself and who I want to be as a person. It also let me know that I'm not the only one who is screwing up. Cathie, Sherry, and Sue are honesty and wonderful. It's different than hanging out with your friend you've known for a long time. I can't really explain why.

My small group is a place where I can just let it all out without strings attached, where you're not judged, you don't have to be right or wrong. There was a love and acceptance that I have never felt before with other women. It wasn't fake. I always feel welcome and at home.

I have nothing exciting planned for this weekend. I have to work on Saturday. I want to get a little more done around the house. Try and bond with my girls. Feeling distant.

Eli and I have some bonding to do as well. We haven't been on the same page for a week or two. Some of my words have been harsh lately. I'm trying to figure out why. I have a few things in mind. I've been doing some soul searching. I just hope I'm on the right track!

My sis called me this morning. I was so happy to hear from her!  She's been on vacation. Their coming home tomorrow. I've really missed her this week! I vented about what has happened with my mom this week. She vented about her trip and Ryan. Then she had to go. I could tell that we just really missed each other. It was a good feeling. LOVE HER!

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