Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Our Christmas

Christmas Eve my parents, Dave, and Kevin came over to our house and we had a great night. The girls opened their traditional Christmas Eve p.j.'s (a tradition my Mom started when I was little). Nana and Papa gave them all new soft blankets to sleep with, in hopes that Olivia would throw out her nasty holey green one. The girls and I put out reindeer food for Rudolf and the gang. Eli and I were up until about 2 o'clock finishing up the wrapping and cleaning up from dinner. Someone forgot to bake cookies/buy cookies so Santa was surprised with milk, ham, and frito's, Titus happily took care of that when we went to bed, because Santa forgot to eat the scrumptious buffet. The girls were up and ready to go about 8 and we were at my Mom and Dad's by 12:30.
It is so awesome watching Christmas through the eyes of a child. Especially a 2 year old. Makenna was so excited this year. She was patient and so excited. She really enjoyed herself. Erika and Olivia were also such good girls this year, they were so happy and so thankful. Christmas morning was calm and relaxing, it was so nice just to be in the present with my family watching the interact with each other and enjoy each other. They were sharing and completely pleasant. It made all the stress and chaos completely worth it. I couldn't have had a better morning.

Makenna, Papa, and I were feeling under the weather but that didn't stop us from enjoying the day. Papa read the Little Mermaid (her favorite book) to Makenna to keep her from tearing open all the gifts waiting for the rest of the family to arrive. Kenna loved snuggling with Papa.

My Mom is the queen of Christmas and tends to spoil everyone. She was still wrapping when we arrived. She loves to give gifts and enjoys watching EVERY SINGLE GIFT be opened one by one. It is hard to keep 5 little ones patient enough to go through this process, but they all did a great job, we had to take a few breaks with family coming and going through the day.
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Great Grandma, Aunt Marion, and Guy trucked out to Brighton and Kimmy, Bobbie, Marina, and Sophia also joined in the fun.

Click here to see the rest of the pictures

Christmas 2007

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