Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy Weekend

Friday, Eli went away to a men's retreat with some guys from church. He seemed to have a great time. Kimmy and I watched the family stone. I didn't like it. I am not a Sara Jessica Parker fan. She annoys me. The movie, I think, could have been better.
Saturday, I had to work. After work, the girls and I headed off to the church property to watch the guys put up a huge tent. Impressive! The girls had a great time running around with Madeline, Emily and Samantha. Makenna was a good girl! After that we went to Kurts for hot dogs. By that time Eli was exhausted, so we ended the night at a reasonable time.
Sunday we all went to church and came home and made lunch. After lunch, Eli and Erika took a nap. Olivia, Makenna, and I just hung out. I barbecued our dinner. Hamburgers, squash, and zucchini. I did it all with a little help and some 2 cents from Eli. I was pretty proud of myself. After dinner, we had family movie night. We watched cheaper by the dozen 2. LOVED IT!
After the kids went to bed. Eli and I had some alone time. Which was much needed. It was nice. We did some talking, recapping on both our retreat trips and read a little from the bible together. Eli had a verse that he really like and he shared it with me last night.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
Today, was going really well until around 10:30. Marina is in one of her moods today. I'm not sure how I can continue with this. I find myself getting very frustrated every day I have her. She is a lot of work. If she would just take good naps, I think things would be better. I'm having a lot of mixed emotions right now with the whole babysitting situation. I just hope I am doing the right thing, for Marina, Kimmy, my girls and for myself.
I really wish money wasn't a big issue in my life. I hate being in debt! I am truly happy that my girls are in great schools and is in a safe environment but it really set us back. Credit cards are the devil. Being on maternity leave with all the girls set us so far behind especially with Erika and Olivia from being on bed rest. We never really caught up. Our car situations didn't help much either. We were dealt one lemon after another. I am just sick about it, to the point, I just want to throw up when I do the bills. Eli and I make pretty good money, but we can't even enjoy it because it goes to all the bills. After bills now, there is nothing left. I pray everyday, that we can make it.
I'm thinking in September, I should go back to work. I'll have to put Erika and Olivia in after school programs and get Makenna into daycare. I have to do a little research on all of it, but I think this is where I am at. I am so worried about our future. With college and weddings and retirement. We have nothing invested, nothing saved. It's very frightening. It was ok when we were in our 20's. It seemed like we had a lot of time to think about it. Now it's like a huge slap in the face. HELLO - WAKE UP what have you been doing all this time.

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