Monday, October 26, 2009

Volunteer work

Nursing school requires me to do 4 hours of volunteer work a semester in order to stay in the program.  The end of this semester is coming soon and I have not yet done my volunteer work.  There was no way I was able to squeeze any time in during my pediatric rotation, so I put it off.  I am running out of time and there is a volunteer opportunity to vaccinate for the H1N1 vaccine in Lansing.  I have my own issues about vaccinations and wish I researched them more when I was a young mother, especially when it came to Olivia.  I am not anti vaccine but children should be looked at as individuals and not be grouped as a whole (my own opinion).  So I started doing a little research on the vaccine and I'm really not that impressed.
Dr. Steve Harrison, old friend of mine, recommended a blog that I now read.  Dr. David Brownstein discusses holistic family medicine, as does Dr. Steve Harrison. These are Dr. Browstein's thoughts on the vaccine and here is the information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  To each their own.  I don't know if I feel comfortable giving this new vaccine and/or getting it.  I do know that I am not vaccinating my children for it, especially Olivia.
Nursing school is changing my thoughts and interests and I am more aware of prevention and wellness.  I have learned that Americans focus more on treatment then prevention in general.  Eli and I are trying to make some 'healthier' changes in our household and I am trying to become more all my spare time. 
Any thoughts?

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