Friday, September 05, 2008

Makenna is in Preschool

Eating breakfast at 6:15 AM. She was a little happier and awake then I was.

So sad, this is the only picture I could get of her on her first day, she started to get a little sad about me leaving, so I tried to leave before she had a chance to have her melt down. Her meltdown happened on her third day when they had to rip her out of my arms and I could hear her screaming from down the hall, "MOMMY DON'T LEAVE ME". I wanted to turn around and pick her up and love her.

Beside the one meltdown she is adjusting well, and yes so is Mom. I miss her like crazy though! She loves "her friends" and the "choo choo train". They even have been able to get her to take a nap everyday.
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1 comment:

Diane said...

Ryan finally had his morning meltdown. He said this morning that he was not getting up and was NOT going to school. It took about 30 minutes to get him dressed and eat breakfast. He wanted to take blueberry and Max. We finally agreed that he could take them in the car to the bus, but had to leave them in the car. WHEW!!!!