Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Michigan Pain Institute

I had a doctors appointment last week and there is a new and improved (hopefully) plan of action. Dr Carbajo is sending me to the Michigan Pain Institute to be evaluated and have injections of cortisone put in the area that is causing all these shenanigans. They will do these injections 3 times, 2 weeks apart, under sedation. I will be doing these along side with 4 more week of physical therapy. My physical therapist thinks that it will enable me to handle the more strenuous exercises without causing inflammation and muscle spasms that is causing all this pain. Hopefully it help me heal faster so I can get my independence back and get me back to work faster. I also need to be ready to start my nursing rotations at the end of August. I am being optimistic and am going to work as hard as I can. My first injection will be on June 30th, the Monday we get back from vacation. I have been told that everyone has different results with this treatment, I am trying to keep my expectations mid range. That should be pretty safe.

1 comment:

Michigan Girl said...

I the cortisone injections help you. I've never had a serious back injury and hope I never have to deal with that. I wish you all sorts of luck.
Also, thanks for your well wishes on my blog. Obviously, I'm having a hard time right now, trying not to get ahead of myself of what the outcome will be of my testing. It's just a very difficult time.